Nutrition Services

Sports Performance

An assessment of your current nutrition status and areas of your life that impact on your health & nutrition including your training & competition schedule. Development of a sports nutrition plan to help you reach performance goals. This can include a skinfold assessment if appropriate.

Private Health – claimable on consultations. You will be provided with a receipt to claim online post the appointment.

Initial with Kate (60 mins) |  $275

Race plan review / ext review (45mins) | $125

Review (30mins) | $95

Clinical Nutrition

We take an individualised approach with every client, and can provide nutrition guidance on the following conditions:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Food allergies & intolerances

  • Improving gut health

  • General Healthy Eating

  • Diabetes Management

  • High cholesterol

  • Vitamin & Mineral deficiencies

  • Mental Health

Medicare – Patients who have a current Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan from their doctor will be able to claim a $60.35 rebate with medicare.

DVA – All DVA clients will be bulk billed provided they have a current referral.

Private health - claimable on these appointments. You will be provided with a receipt to claim online if HICAPS is not available in the clinic.

Initial with Kate (60 mins) | $275

Review 30 mins | $95

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorder recovery doesn’t happen overnight and can be a very complex ongoing process. Our Dietitians work with GP’s, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Exercise Physiologists to ensure a multi-disciplinary approach is taken.

Patients may be eligible for medicare rebates for up to 20 Dietitian sessions under the Eating Disorders Management Plan. Your GP or Psychiatrist can complete the assessment and referral. The rebate is $60.35 per session. 

Initial with Kate (60 mins) | $275

Ext Review (45mins) | $125

Review (30mins) | $95

Group Education

Workshops are ideal for a group as it generates involvement, discussion between attendees and sharing personal experiences. It’s an opportunity to reach a large number of people and provide nutrition tips and education that they can easily implement to improve their performance. Workshop topics can include:

  • Body Image / Healthy Relationship with food

  • Sports Performance

  • General nutrition for growth & development

  • Cooking workshops (kitchen availability dependent)

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.